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Genmaicha is a umami Japanese green tea mixed with roasted brown rice.


Our Genmaicha - AKA Popcorn Tea - is sweet, roasted, nutty, and comes with a thick mouthfeel. You're going to love it!


Harvest: May 

Tea Cultivar: Yabukita

Origin: Fujieda, Shizuoka

Cultivation: Sun-Grown

ProcessingWithered, Rolled, Dried


Some say genmaicha originated in the 15th-century Muromachi period, when Japanese farmers began mixing roasted brown rice with green tea to make their supply last longer. 


Others tell the story of a Kyoto tea farmer in the early 1900s, who supposedly created genmaicha so that his village could feel more full on less.


Whichever story you believe, genmaicha remains a cherished tea, loved for its nutty aroma, smooth taste, and deep cultural roots <3

Genmaicha Popcorn Tea

  • 1.5g of Genmaicha can be rebrewed up to 4 times without losing any flavour!


    This means that you can make over 133 brews with 50g working out at just 8p per cup!


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